College can get expensive. Especially when you’re staying away from home, with tuition, food, housing and all the other unexpected costs your pocket money can easily show an early countdown.
We all have been there and it always helps to have few hacks up your sleeve to save some extra buck for the end of the month. Here’s how:
1. 1. Buy/Rent second hand text books.
. It can help you a big time to spare some time tallying your current syllabus with the old books’ syllabus, and if most of it is still available in the older version of the books, guess what, you’re lucky to be able to save yourself an extra buck! Find out the book shops which have an option to lend/buy older books.
2. Borrow from the library.
This won’t be difficult if you’re the studious kinds. Also, anything is possible if you focus on the result! (in this case: you save your entire text book’s money)
3. Find an e-book:
We all Google stuff & love to download those torrents/PDF’s online. Why not for your academic books too?
4. Coupon. Cash backs. Student Discounts.
When it comes to buying your everyday needs, watch out for those “xyz% Off” Discounts. Every 10 Rs. Difference will really add up!
5. Help with homework for a buck/meal.
Why not? When you’re good at something, never do it for free. This way your Seniors/friends might just value your help more.
6. Don’t miss out your mess meals
Instead of eating out most of the times, eat your meals at your regular mess. After all your parents already paid for it! Why not save their hard earned money and help yourself some health and money.
7. Have a no-spend day once a week.
8. Ditch expensive gym memberships
Just set aside some time each day to get some exercise, and your body and wallet will thank you.
9. Cook at home.
. If you’re someone who stays in a PG along with your mates, cook at home.
10. Know your meal plans
Planning your meal in a way that you healthy and right amount will really make you conscious of not overspending, viz. on binge eating. And guess what? It’ll leave you in good health and shape.
11. Keep track of your spending
Maybe you can download an app for the same.
12. Don’t overpay for transport
13. Watch application dates.
You don’t want to pay your savings on filling the late-application fine, do you?
14. Apply for scholarships.
15. Enter contests.
You might just win a fancy amount of Amazon/Online Shopping Voucher.
15. Enter contests.
You might just win a fancy amount of Amazon/Online Shopping Voucher.
16. Put Money in the Bank.
The quarterly interests on your savings account would just be an added benefit in your kitty.
17. Write a list before you go shopping and stick to it.
18. Invite friends over instead of going out.
Going out to eat or on a getaway trip can drastically imbalance your budget. While it can be really fun to invite your friends over and have a meal at home, watch movies and create your own entertainment together.